Acres: 137,222 acres | Start Date: July 13, 2024 | Cause: Under Investigation | Fuels: Timber, Understory, Grass | Containment: 92% | Resources: 288
Overview: Crews will continue to pull firehose and pumping equipment from around the fire perimeter.
Some pumping equipment which is used to fill water tenders will be left in place. They will also
continue to patrol, looking for hot spots and addressing any they find. Their mission of assisting with
initial attacks will remain important, particularly as another weather system approaches the area. Stump
wells and heavy fuels within burned areas will continue to smoke or burn for some time. These do not
threaten containment and should not be reported.
Weather: A weak system will begin to cross the region tomorrow. It brings a 10% chance of rain today
and a slightly higher chance tomorrow and Saturday. The additional cloud cover will bring higher
temperatures and the possibility of lightning or dry lightning. This system will increase humidity levels
which will dampen the intensity of fire activity.
Safety: Please exercise caution when driving in the affected region. Firefighters and heavy equipment
are working in the area. If you stop to observe or report fire activity, please pull completely off the road
while keeping out of grass.
- Umatilla National Forest Order Number 06-14-02-24-02 includes prohibitions within the Heppner Ranger District on the Umatilla National Forest.
- Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Prineville District Office issued an Emergency Public Land Closure on BLM-managed lands along the main stem John Day River and along the North Fork John Day River from Kimberly, Ore. to Dale, Ore.
Fire Information: 541-208-4369 from 8 A.M. to 8