Lone Rock Fire Update | August 11, 2024

Acres: 137,222 acres | Start Date: July 13, 2024 | Cause: Under Investigation | Fuels: Timber, Understory, Grass | Containment: 98% | Resources: 189

Smoke will continue into the foreseeable future, not a threat.

Highlight: Fire crews are maintaining a heavy presence around the perimeter. They have addressed smokes deep behind containment lines. Please be advised, smoke and glow will continue to be visible, especially at night, in neighboring communities. However, the fire is staying within its current footprint and is not a threat to containment. These smokes should not be called in. The spike camp at Spray will be closing today. Information boards at the camp and the mercantile in Spray have been removed. Community updates are still available virtually by visiting the Courtrock Fire Inciweb page or Courtrock Fire Facebook.

Safety: Driving in or visiting areas affected by the fire is a violation of federal agency closure orders. There are many risks in areas that have recently been exposed to fire and fire suppression efforts. Roads and structures can be damaged, flooding is more likely, fire patrol and suppression equipment is active, and vegetation is weakened. Wait to visit until the closure orders have been lifted.

Weather: A weather system has brought higher relative humidity levels and cooler temperatures. Today may bring very weak showers but are not expected to drop measurable precipitation. There is a possibility of lightning or dry lightning with this weather. No significant weather events are expected in the next few days.


  • Umatilla National Forest Order Number 06-14-02-24-02 includes prohibitions within the Heppner Ranger District on the Umatilla National Forest.
  • Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Prineville District Office issued an Emergency Public Land Closure on BLM-managed lands along the main stem John Day River and along the North Fork John Day River from Kimberly, Ore. to Dale, Ore.

Fire Information: 541-208-4369 from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. – [email protected]
InciWeb: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/inciden…/orprd-lone-rock-fire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoneRockFireInformation

central oregon fire information wildfire smoke

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