Size: 851 acres   Location: 5 miles west of Crescent Lake Junction, OR   County: Klamath  

Start Date: July 17, 2024   Cause: Lightning   Containment: 0%   Total Personnel: 129

Activities – The fire remains above the Whitefish Creek Trail. Over a mile and a half system of pumps and hose lines are in place to prevent the fire from spreading across the trail. Firefighters are regularly testing and flowing the pumps and hose lines to ensure they are working. Firefighters predict that the Red Fire will persist until the region experiences significant rain or snow this fall. Among other tactics, firefighters working long-duration wildfires will focus on identifying and preparing a network of primary and contingency containment lines to help stop fires as they approach critical areas like communities, powerlines, water supply systems, and natural and cultural resources.

Closures – To provide for the safety of firefighters, equipment operators, and the public, the Deschutes National Forest emergency closure around Crescent Lake and in the Diamond Peak Wilderness is still in effect. Forest Service Road 60 is closed, and road guards have been posted for public safety. The emergency closure is being reevaluated daily based on changing weather conditions and fire behavior. More closure information is available at: https://www.fsa.gov/alerts/deschutes/alertsnotices/?aid=89091 

The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is closed from north of the Windigo Pass (mile 1883.5) to Highway 58 (mile 1909.5) due to the Red Fire and Willamette Complex South in the Diamond Peak Wilderness. There is also an emergency closure in place due to the Diamond Complex to the west of the PCT. Refer to the PCT Closures App and the Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) website for current and accurate trail closure information for the PCT.

The 2024 season for commercially harvesting Matsutake mushrooms opens for the Deschutes National Forest today, September 3, and will close November 4, 2024. A commercial permit must be purchased for the picking of any Matsutake mushrooms on National Forests that are harvested for resale. The emergency fire closure will impact certain harvesting locations. 

Incident Weather, Fire Behavior, and Smoke – Warmer and drier weather has increased fire activity and smoke production. These conditions will persist throughout today and tomorrow. Single and group tree torching is likely even with the more moderate temperatures. Central Oregon received widespread lightning storms over the Labor Day Weekend. As a result, there was a considerable number of lightning-caused fires throughout the area.

Strategy A full suppression strategy is being implemented utilizing indirect tactics, shaded fuel breaks, structure protection equipment, trail, and hose lay. Fire managers are continually reevaluating the safest, most effective suppression strategy based on changing weather, fuel conditions, and fire behavior. Firefighter and public safety remain the incident management team’s highest priority in managing this fire. Expect to see increased fire activity due to the warmer and dryer conditions.

Evacuations – The WILDFIRE! Level 1 – BE READY to Evacuate notice issued by Klamath County Emergency Management for Crescent Lake, Odell Lake, and Crescent Junction areas remains in effect (INCENDIO FORESTAL! Nivel 1 – ESTÉ PREPARADO para evacuar de las siguientes zonas: Crescent Lake, Odell Lake, Crescent Junction). Visit www.klamathcounty.org/300/emergencymanagement for more information or to sign up for alerts.

Fire Restrictions – Stage 2 Public Use Fire Restrictions – which prohibit open fires, including in developed campgrounds – remain in effect for the Deschutes National Forest. The Industrial Fire Precaution Level is currently Level III “Partial Shutdown.” Visit fs.usda.gov/detail/deschutes/home/?cid=stelprdb5297376 for more information.  

central oregon fire information wildfire smoke

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