Long Hollow Fire Morning Update July 28, 2018

Acres:  Approximately 33,408
Start Date: 26 July 2018
Cause: Farm Machinery                Location: Dufur , Oregon 97021
Containment: 0%             Fuels:  Grass and brush
Total personnel: 150

Last night, crews completed burn out operations along Browns Rd, Hwy 216 and the Deschutes River creating a line along the south edge of the fire. Burning operations are utilized to create a buffer ahead of the fire’s edge. Through much of the night winds were consistently coming from the northwest, but in the early morning hours winds shifted pushing the fire to the west. During this early morning shift, the Sheriff issued a reverse 911 call to local ranchers who came out to assist with firefighting efforts. All operations are focused on protecting “Values at Risk” that have been identified by local jurisdictions.

Continued high temperatures and gusty afternoon winds are expected today. Engines, hand crews, and structural fire crews are being assisted with aircraft today to continue securing and improving constructed fire line along the fire perimeter. Crews will focus on finishing fire line between the corner of Tygh Ridge Road and the Deschutes River.

Fire Safety Awareness: Hwy 216 is closed from the junctions with Hwy 197 to Hwy 97. It continues to be extremely dry all over the central Oregon region, and people should use extreme caution in their use of fire or machinery and ensure tow safety chains are not dragging. For information on current fire restrictions, please visit https://centraloregonfire.org.

Fire Weather:  High temperatures and low humidity with gusty afternoon winds are anticipated the rest of the weekend, which will likely result in extreme fire conditions.

Closures and Restrictions: The area along the river is closed to the public from Buck Hollow River Access (near Hwy 216) to the Macks Canyon Campground.  The area is also under Industrial Fire Protection Level III.  Roadblocks have been set up by local law enforcement.

Fire Information Links: Fire information can be found at www.centraloregonfire.org  and https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/.

Fire Information: (602) 292-5315 (8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.)

Email: [email protected]

InciWeb: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6040/

Twitter: @CentralORFire

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