Stubblefield, Seale, Lonerock and Jennie’s Peak Fire Evening Update-August 21, 2018

Evening Update-August 21, 2018

For Immediate Release

Incident Commanders:          

Ian Yocum, Oregon State Fire Marshal

Eric Knerr, Northwest Team 7


Contact: Rich Tyler/Jeanne Klein  541-239-3619

OSFM/NW Team 7 Public Information Officers


Follow Fire Information on Facebook Pages:

Gilliam County Sheriff https://www.facebook.com/GilliamCountySheriff/

South Gilliam County Rural Fire Protection District https://www.facebook.com/South-Gilliam-County-Rural-Fire-Protection-District-783137915065669/?ref=br_rs


[Condon, Oregon] All of the fires listed below have been “full suppression” fires, meaning that the fires will be put out as soon as possible. The increased number of firefighting crews on day shift, working in conjunction with local fire crews and residents, made good progress on all of the fires today.


Stubblefield Fire – Established containment lines held and crews were able to expand those lines to a larger portion of the fire. Burn operations that were conducted on the west flank and to the north were very effective and strengthened the containment lines. The crews are continuing to conduct burn operations this evening as long as the weather is favorable.

Seale Fire – The west side of the Seale Fire held within the containment lines today.  The fire was the most active on the southwest corner. Burn operations were conducted to reduce the advancing front of fuel and stop or slow progress. This tactic also strengthened the dozer lines on the fire perimeter and this operation was well supported with air tankers and helicopters. Burn operations will continue throughout the evening as the weather is favorable. High priority is being placed not only on protecting homes, but minimizing the impact of this fire on the sensitive habitat and landscape of the Wilderness Study Area and cultural values in this area.

Lonerock Fire – Crews patrolled and continued to secure the perimeter of the Lonerock Fire today.   Dozers were able to get in and build fire lines today on the southern edge of the fire. The entire western and northwestern flanks of the fire have containment lines established. Once this fire is fully contained, the resources will be reassigned to help complete the objectives on the other fires.

Jennie’s Peak – Burn operations also took place on the Jennie’s Peak fire today and this evening in the western and northeastern flanks. These burn operations were effective in creating containment lines. Fuels include more juniper and timber than the grasses/shrubs on the fires in Gilliam County. There is a swing shift continuing the burn operations this evening.

Remember fire traffic is heavy on the back roads in order to accomplish the fire fighting mission. Please use caution and avoid the areas if possible.

The weather cooperated and allowed tactics like burning operations to be used, increasing the effectiveness of the containment lines, protecting around homes and keeping the impact on the land minimal. OSFM Blue Team Deputy Incident Commander, Andy Louden closed the evening briefing by making the positive statement that, “We are driving the fire now, it is not driving us.”

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