Stubblefield and Jennie’s Peak Fires August 24th Morning Update

Incident Commander: Eric Knerr, Northwest Team 7

Contact: Fire Information, 541-239-3619

Follow Fire Information on Facebook Pages:

Gilliam County Sheriff https://www.facebook.com/GilliamCountySheriff/

    South Gilliam County Rural Fire Protection District https://www.facebook.com/South-Gilliam- County-Rural-Fire-Protection-District-783137915065669/?ref=br_rs

    Wheeler County Sheriff https://www.facebook.com/WheelerCountySheriffsOffice/

 [Condon, Oregon] As the threat to structures has decreased, the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Blue Team has demobilized to return to their local units. NW Team 7 will continue to manage the Stubblefield, Lonerock and Jennies Peak Fires until they are contained to the point that local resources will be able to take over. Passage of a cold front yesterday increased fire behavior on all three fires, but all established control lines held. All evacuation levels related to the fires in south Gilliam County have been reduced to Level 1 Get Ready. Three Australian helicopter specialists were welcomed yesterday to assist with air operations on these incidents. These folks are part of a contingent of one hundred thirty-eight fireline management personnel from Australia and New Zealand assigned to support large fires in the California and Northwest Areas.

Stubblefield Fire– The fire is currently 80% contained and is 51,707 acres. In the steep terrain around the John Day River, rappelers were inserted on the far western flank to secure a finger of the fire located in an otherwise inaccessible area adjacent to the John Day River. This action was successful and today firefighters will continue to improve the control line in this area. All other established containment lines held, and crews continued to mop up any hot spots that could rekindle and threaten those lines.

Lonerock Fire – This fire is now 80% contained and 5,056 acres. Yesterday crews worked the southeastern flank of the fire to continue to strengthen the remaining fireline. Most remaining smoke and torching was on the interior part of the fire, away from the fire edge.

Jennie’s Peak – This fire is 70% contained and 41,000 acres. Yesterday crews conducted firing operations into the night to secure the northern flank of the fire. Today’s operations will focus on holding and mopping up yesterday’s burnout, continued burning to add depth to the fireline in a few critical areas, and searching for any remaining hot spots around the perimeter of the fire. The fire continues to hold along the John Day River, staying north and east of the river.

Inciweb:         Stubblefield Fires: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6162/

Jennie’s Peak Fire: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6163/

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