Prescribed Fire Ignition Today Near Crescent, Ore.

Prescribed Fire Ignition Today Near Crescent, Ore.

Central Ore. – Fire managers on the Deschutes National Forest plan to ignite a prescribed understory burn near Crescent today.  The burn will help restore and maintain the fire-adapted ponderosa pine forest ecosystem. 

The B-11 prescribed burn unit is 120 acres.  It is located approximately 6 miles south of Crescent, Ore. and 1.5 miles east of Highway 97.  The unit is 2.5 miles north of the Highways 97 and 58 junction, along Forest Roads 9760 and 260.  Smoke may be visible from these roadways.

The low to moderate intensity prescribed fire will restore and maintain healthy forest conditions and reduce buildup of hazardous fuel loading.  Signs will be posted to alert drivers of the prescribed fire project area and smoky conditions. 

If traveling in the area please close windows, drive slowly, and drive with lights on.  Smoke may linger on roadways and in low areas during and after the ignitions phase.  Firefighters will continue to secure and patrol the burned area throughout the week.

Keep up with prescribed fire in Central Oregon by visiting: https://centraloregonfire.org, or text “COFIRE” to 888-777 to receive text alerts.

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