Lightning Event Ignites Numerous Small Fires in Central Oregon

Firefighters in Central Oregon have responded to thirty-one fires from thunderstorms which passed through the area starting Wednesday afternoon. These thunderstorms produced abundant lightning with spotty precipitation. Fires ranged from a single tree to nearly a half acre in size. Quick response from fire personnel, and partners, including landowners, local fire departments, and county sheriff officers resulted in all reported fires being caught during initial attack. Some fires are still staffed this evening as they continue to mop up. Strong winds today did not push any fires outside firelines.

Photo courtesy Travis Bootes, ODF Sisters. Three Creeks Fire #2 Wednesday night.

The Buckhorn Creek Fire in Wheeler County is estimated at 310 acres today. This fire is burning on Prineville BLM lands and private ownership in steep rugged country. There are 80 firefighters assigned to the fire, but due to difficult access helicopters are being used to transport personnel to the fire. Wednesday evening Single Engine Air Tankers (SEATs) were used to slow the spread of the fire. Today a dozer, helicopters and SEATs were again used to minimize spread as firefighters were ferried to the fireline. The fire is currently 50% lined.

Buckhorn Creek Fire. Picture taken August 5, 2020.
central oregon fire information wildfire smoke

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