Green Ridge Fire Update, August 28

Camp Sherman, Ore. – The latest Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping of the Green Ridge Fire shows a total fire perimeter of 4,338 acres, a slight drop from previous reports. Current containment is 40 percent. Evacuation level notifications are no longer in effect. However, the Deschutes National Forest Area Closure remains in place. FS Road 14 and associated campgrounds remain open. For information about evacuation notices and Forest Area Closures go to: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7012/.

A Fire Weather Watch will be in effect today that will bring elevated winds, low humidity and temperatures around 90 degrees. While fire crews continue patrolling and gridding for hot spots along the fire’s edge, removing hazard trees for firefighter safety, and mopping up, they will also be on high alert for potential spotting over lines given the weather forecast. Crews assigned to the Green Ridge Fire are also available to provide initial attack support to the local district and forest on new fire starts within the immediate area.

Fire danger remains extreme across central Oregon. The firefighting community is asking all residents and forest visitors to exercise caution with all outdoor activities. All open fires, including campfires, wood stoves and charcoal briquette fires are prohibited on the Deschutes National Forest except in designated campgrounds. Open fires are also not allowed on private lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry. Visit https://www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/pages/restrictions.aspx for more information and additional public use restrictions.  

For the most current fire information, visit https://www.facebook.com/Green-Ridge-Fire-Oregon or contact the Incident Management Team Information Section at (541) 604 8461 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

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