Lionshead Fire Update – Sunday, September 13, 2020 – 9:00 a.m.

Last night’s virtual community meeting can be found at: www.facebook.com/lionsheadfire 

Weather and Fire Behavior: Heavy smoke will continue to cover the area, although winds aloft should begin to push smoke dispersement and begin to improve air quality throughout the week. Temperatures today will be cooler at 70-75 and humidity levels will range from 18-28 percent. Winds will be light and variable, on the fire aligning with terrain causing upslope, updrainage fire activity with group torching and spotting, becoming more active than we have seen the last couple of days. Interactive map of wildfires and forecasted smoke dispersement https://storymaps.esri.com/stories/usa-wildfires/ 

Current Situation: On the west side of the crest of the cascades, engine task forces continue to secure and protect infrastructure and property, engaging in ongoing damage assessments as fire activity, smoke and other hazards allow. Progress is being made with scouting and preparing containment lines. Torching and spotting kept crews busy on Saturday on the northern side of the fire. Late in the afternoon heavy group torching aligned with the terrain and winds causing the fire on the northeastern corner to pass through containment lines. The control lines in place to the east and south on the Warm Springs Reservation continue to hold and show low fire activity. Firefighters diligently patrol and mop-up areas that may compromise the established control lines. 

Today’s Activities: Firefighters on the west side of the crest of the cascades continue today with many of the same assignments as they worked on yesterday. Scouting old fire scars, road systems, trails and other natural barriers to incorporate into the containment lines. The Oregon State Fire Marshal Task Forces will continue to diligently work within the areas with property and infrastructure, stabilizing the communities and continuing the property damage assessments. Wildfires have not burned in these areas for many decades, leaving heavy layers of fuels on the ground that firefighters must work through to secure the area, a very laborious and time-consuming process. Between the Olallie Lake area and the P-515 Fire, fire personnel will be assessing the terrain and potential natural barriers, old fire scars and road systems that can be used for containment lines. The eastern and southern portion of the fire will continue to be patrolled and the mop-up depth will increase as needed to insure the fire stays within the existing perimeter. 

Evacuations: A Level 1 Evacuation Notice has been issued for Sidwalter Flats area on the Warms Springs Reservation. Please monitor the local area sheriff’s department websites and Facebook for updates. The Oregon Office of Emergency Management has created an interactive database to help provide the most up to date information on evacuation statewide. https://www.oregon.gov/oem/emops/Pages/RAPTOR.aspx 

Closures: For public and firefighter safety, roads and trails on the southwest portion of the Warm Springs Reservation near the fires are closed to the public. Forest closures are in place for Deschutes, Mt. Hood and Willamette National Forests.   Deschutes NF Alerts     Willamette NF Alerts     Mt. Hood NF Alerts     

FOR ADDITIONAL FIRE INFORMATION: Fire Information: 971-277-5075 

TripCheck: https://www.tripcheck.com/                

 Inciweb:  https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7049/ 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LionsheadFire     

Email:  [email protected] 

central oregon fire information wildfire smoke

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