Holiday Farm Fire Update, September 16, 2020

Holiday Farm Fire Information: (541) 357-9729 (7am—10pm) Lane County Non-Emergency Call Center: 541-682-3977 (7am-10pm) Linn County Non-Emergency Call Center: 541-812-2260 https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7170/      email: [email protected]  

Springfield, Ore. –The overnight infrared flight mapped the Holiday Farm Fire’s footprint at over 170,000 acres. The fire’s perimeter measures more than 260 miles or roughly Portland to Medford.

The suppression strategy uses a combination of roads, ridges and hand line to control the fire’s spread. Across the lengthy perimeter of the fire crews are making steady progress. Equipment operators are widening existing roads, building dozer lines and removing trees to create solid control lines. Hand crews are following up, connecting control features and completing burnout operations to remove fuels between the main body of the fire and control lines.

Structural firefighters continue to aggressively extinguish hot spots in and around homes, clearing 100 feet around structures. The focus today remains on mopping up around homes from Vida to Rainbow. Protection efforts also remain in and around homes in the Deerhorn Road and Greenpasture Road areas.

The Urban Search and Rescue Team has completed 770 structural evaluations in the fire area. The team started at the eastern edge of the fire in the community of Rainbow and have been working west down the Highway 126 corridor. The team expects to assess structures in the community of Blue River today. The team has assessed about 75 percent of the 1018 structures in the fire area. Structures include commercial buildings, residences and outbuildings.

As of today, the USAR team has identified:

  • 503 have been destroyed (complete destruction of structure)
  • 9 failed (high risk, may be subject to sudden collapse)
  • 28 damaged (medium risk, structure is moderately damaged)
  • 230 no damage reported (low risk, low probability of future collapse)

The Incident Meteorologist forecasted that today’s weather may lighten the smoke inversion which could increase fire behavior

The Leaburg Dam has been repowered and refilled. It is now available as a strategic dip site for heavy helicopters as soon as conditions allow aircraft to fly safely.

The Lane and Linn County Sheriff Offices continue to work with fire operations personnel to modify evacuation zones where appropriate. For the latest information on evacuation areas, please visit:

Lane County: www.lanecounty.org/mckenziefire

Linn County: www.linnsheriff.org/fire_live_updates_sept_2020/

Please continue to monitor cell phones, landlines, local media and official information sources for evacuation updates. Fire managers request that the public please avoid the area.

Roads are closed in the fire area and much of the Willamette National Forest (WNF) and Northwest Oregon District BLM. Road hazards include falling trees and rocks and debris. For more information on closures on the WNF visit:


For more information on closures on the Northwest Oregon BLM visit:


Fire personnel are warmed by the community’s support but are unable to accept donations or use volunteers. The fire must use individuals with the appropriate qualifications.


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