Date: July 19, 2021
Released by:
Sgt. Nathan Garibay, Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Manager
Sgt. David Pond, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Manager
In coordination with the Oregon Department of Forestry Incident Management Team managing the fire, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office and Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office are dropping all evacuation notices around the Grandview Fire.
This decision was made after consultation with fire managers and cooperating agencies. We will continue to work with fire managers to ensure public safety and prevent conflicts between citizens and fire operations. Please refrain from unnecessary travel through these areas as fire equipment and personnel are moving through the area. Please obey all forest closures put in place by the Deschutes National Forest Sisters Ranger District and the Ochoco National Forest Crooked River National Grasslands.
We encourage community members to remain vigilant and take steps to protect their homes and families from wildfire. For more information visit
For fire information, you can visit the Central Oregon Fire Information site at: