Pile burning south of La Pine

The Prineville BLM is planning on burning 269 acres of piles in the Outback project area, approximately 8 miles south of La Pine and on the east side of Highway 31. Smoke from these piles may be visible from Highway 31. Crews plan to begin burning Thursday, December 9 and hope to complete the project in two days.

The piles are concentrations of leftover materials from previous thinning projects designed to remove hazardous fuels that can burn during wildfires. Where possible, material was first offered for firewood, commercial sale, or biomass use; with some remaining material scattered to rehabilitate sites and close user-created routes.

All prescribed burning is highly dependent on favorable temperature, moisture and wind conditions. Each of these prescribed burns will only be started when the conditions are right to meet the objectives of the burn, while minimizing smoke impacts to any nearby communities. All prescribed burn areas will be patrolled during and following ignitions. Prescribed burns are completed in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Forestry smoke management plan. In addition, fire and fuels managers are working closely this year with air quality and public health authorities on prescribed burns due to COVID-19.

central oregon fire information wildfire smoke

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