Sisters Ranger District to Conduct Prescribed Burn Southeast of Sisters
Ignitions slated for Thursday on 67-acre unit if conditions remain favorable
Sisters, Ore— Favorable conditions exist for Sisters Ranger District firefighters to conduct a 67-acre understory prescribed burn approximately two and a half miles southeast of Sisters adjacent to Forest Service Road 4606.
The prescribed burn is slated for Thursday if favorable conditions persist. Ignitions will begin around 10 a.m. and continue into the middle of the afternoon. The prescribed burn unit borders the Metolius-Windigo-To Rodeo Grounds Connector Trail. Signage will be posted highlighting an alternative route trail users are requested to utilize during, and immediately following burn operations. The reroute will be in place for a few days following ignitions.
Smoke will be visible from Highway 20 and the greater Sisters area; however, impacts are expected to be minimal given the small size of the prescribed burn.
Fire managers are implementing the understory burn to reduce hazardous fuels accumulation decreasing the risk of high-intensity wildfire in the area. The prescribed burn reintroduces and maintains fire within the Ponderosa pine fire-adapted ecosystem.
Fire management officials work with Oregon Department of Forestry smoke specialists to analyze weather conditions and anticipated smoke dispersion to determine burn dates. When smoke is present, motorists should reduce speed and turn on headlights. All efforts will be made to limit smoke impacts to area neighborhoods and communities. The possibility exists for smoke to settle in low-lying areas due to cool night-time temperatures. Residents in areas near burn operations are encouraged to close windows at night to avoid possible smoke impacts.
For more information on hazardous fuels reduction projects in Central Oregon, visit the interactive website at or visit and follow us on Twitter @CentralORFire. For further questions contact the Sisters Ranger District at (541) 549-7700.