Windigo-Potter-Big Swamp-Shelter Fires Update

Fire Information Phone: 206-473-8645 (8am – 7pm)  |  Email: [email protected] 

Potter Fire (& Shelter) InciWeb: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8291/ 

Windigo Fire (& Big Swamp) InciWeb: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8292/  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Windigo-Fire-and-Potter-Fire-Information-109233838550715  

On Monday, lines held against higher temperatures and changing winds. Progress was made on all fires.  The Windigo Fire is 25% contained. A Red Flag Warning for lightning and gusty winds remains in effect today through the evening, continuing to test fire lines. Light precipitation is possible across the fire area during the day from showers and thunderstorms. 

Crews on the Windigo Fire were able to complete hose lines around the entire perimeter yesterday. Today, they will work to solidify the line and continue mop up around the perimeter, looking to extend the line further inward. Firefighters on the Potter Fire will continue mop up operations and strengthen primary, alternate, and contingency lines. If favorable weather conditions are present on Wednesday, fire personnel may begin firing operations to help strengthen control lines.   

The Big Swamp Fire is at 114 acres following yesterday’s operations. On Monday, crews worked to secure line with aviation support while dozers improved lines. Today, firefighters will continue to strengthen lines and add hoses. There may be opportunities to go direct on the eastern portion using Forest Road 2153.  

Resources on the fires include 801 total personnel comprised of 20 handcrews, 24 engines, 13 dozers and 12 water tenders, nine Type 1 Helicopters, and one Type 3 Helicopter. Two fixed-wing scoopers are available out of Eugene.  

High temperatures will reach 81 – 87 degrees. Winds will flow from the southwest and change direction, becoming northwest late in the afternoon with speeds between 5-10 mph and gusts of up to 25 mph on ridge tops. Fire spotting distances may be up to .25-.4 miles with an 75-85% chance of ignition on the dry fuels. Visit AirNow.gov for smoke information.  

Windigo Fire
Acreage: Approx. 1,053 acres           
Containment: 25%
Location: 20 miles southwest of La Pine, OR
Cause: Lightning 
Potter Fire
Acreage: Approx. 279 acres  
Containment: 0%
Location: 8 miles northeast of Toketee Lake 
Cause: Lightning 

Closures: For firefighter and public safety follow the Windigo and Potter Closure Orders

  • Pacific Crest Trail – visit https://www.pcta.org/discover-the-trail/closures/oregon/ for more information. 
  • Forest Service Road (FSR) 60 from the junction with FSR 6020 on the Deschutes National Forest to FSR 2612 on the Umpqua National Forest 
  • Forest Service Road (FSR) 2610 from Lemolo Dam to Calapooya Mountain
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