Size: 114,025 acres
Contained: 18%
Start Date: August 1, 2022
Origin: 15 miles east of Oakridge, Oregon
Cause: Lightning
Total personnel: 1,913
Resources: 50 engines, 32 crews, 71 heavy equipment, 8 helicopters
West Zone Operations: Fire activity within the perimeter of the Cedar Creek Fire is expected to increase with the warming and drying weather. Ridgetops within the fire area are expected to dry out quicker and, therefore have active fire sooner than lower elevations. Crews and mechanized equipment continue work on the north side of the fire to prepare Forest Service Road 19 as a containment line. Firefighters are actively searching for areas of heat and any remaining hazards such as snags along the western edge of the fire. The control line to the south and southwest of the fire is prepared with cleared vegetation and is ready for future burning operations.
During aerial reconnaissance flights, firefighters were able to look at some of the recreation sites and other special sites within the fire area. Many of these sites are in the interior of the fire and cannot be safely accessed on the ground due to hazards such as snags and downed trees. Taylor Burn Guard Station is in good condition and wrapped with fire-protective material. Much of the area around Blair Lake experience high severity fire with high tree mortality and trees with broken tops. The aerial view of Joe Goddard Grove shows primarily green forest with some smaller pockets where the tree canopy burned. Joe Goddard Grove and Constitution Grove were prepared with hoselays, pumps and sprinklers as a protective measure in case the fire reached those areas. Photographs of the sites that have been assessed are available on the incident Inciweb or Facebook pages. Waldo Lake Lookout survived the fire and fire crews unwrapped the building on Friday.
East Zone Operations: The Deschutes National Forest has slightly modified the fire closure that went into effect on September 9, 2022. The new order opens access to Lava Lake from the north on Cascade Lakes Highway. All fire equipment has been moved out of the area, and lake access is available through Lava Lake Resort, which will open this weekend. Lava Lake Campground and Little Lava Lake Campground remain closed. The Cascade Lakes Highway will remain closed between Lava Lake and the Crescent Cutoff/ Road 61. When driving in areas adjacent to the road closures make sure to watch out for slow moving commercial trucks and fire traffic.
Crews have completed work on 24 miles of the 52-mile shaded fuel break on Highway 46. Operational crews are making good progress on creating a defensible space along the scenic highway using equipment such as skidders, log trucks, masticators, chippers, and dump trucks. Fuel break work continues to the west side of Cultus Mountain, tying together Little Cultus Lake to Cultus Lake.
Weather: Warmer and drier weather is forecasted for the weather bringing temperatures in the 70s. Overnight lows will be cold with some higher elevation valleys nearing freezing.
Closures: The Deschutes National Forest and Willamette National Forest both have closures and fire restrictions in effect. Please visit Willamette National Forest and Deschutes National Forest for the most recent closure orders and maps. Elijah Bristow State Park is in use by firefighters and closed to the public. A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place. The use of drones is prohibited in the fire area, please make it safe for our firefighters to use aircraft on the fire. Pacific Crest Trail hikers should visit for current information.
Smoke: For current conditions, see,, and LRAPA – Today’s Current Air Quality. Smoke Forecast Outlooks are available at
Evacuations: An updated map of the evacuation areas is available at Sign-up for emergency mobile alerts by going to Please check with Lane County Sheriff’s Office at 541-682-4150 and Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office at 541-693-6911 for updates and changes.
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Fire Information Line: 541-201-2335, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM | For Media Inquiries: 541-327-9925
Email: [email protected]