Prescribed Burning Planned for Tuesday on Lookout Mountain Ranger District

Prineville, Ore., April 26, 2024—Ochoco National Forest firefighters are set to conduct a prescribed burn Tuesday, April 30th, on Lookout Mountain Ranger District if conditions remain favorable.

The prescribed burning unit is an 898-acre area, north of Highway 26 on the Lookout Mountain Ranger District of the Ochoco National Forest. It is located 15 air miles northeast of Prineville, along the northern section of Forest Service Road (FSR) 27, and south of FSR 2710.

Smoke will be visible from Redmond, Prineville, Madras, FSR 27, and the surrounding area. Smoke may settle in low-lying areas overnight and residents of Prineville are encouraged to keep doors and windows closed to minimize smoke impacts. Road and trail closures are not anticipated although the public is asked to use caution where fire traffic and firefighters are present. Signage will be in place and drivers are asked to slow down and turn on headlights.

Burning in this unit is designed to reintroduce fire into a fire-adapted ecosystem, reduce hazardous fuels, reinvigorate grasses, and improve wildlife habitat. By reintroducing fire to the landscape under controlled conditions, the prescribed burn will help mitigate the risk of uncontrolled wildfires, protect valuable natural resources, and promote a more resilient forest ecosystem.

Once ignited, the burn will be monitored by firefighters, and they will mop-up and cool the fire perimeter. Firefighters will monitor the fire until it is declared out.

For more information on prescribed burning in Central Oregon, visit centraloregonfire.org/ and for information specific to the Ochoco National Forest visit www.fs.usda.gov/ochoco. Follow us on X/Twitter @CentralORFire. Text “COFIRE” to 888-777 to receive wildfire and prescribed fire text alerts.


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