Microwave Tower Update | July 31, 2024

Size: 1,311 acres | Cause: Undetermined | Containment: 53% | Start Date: July 22, 2024
Location: 5 miles west of Mosier, OR | Fuels: Brush, timber, and grass


The increase in fire size is due to more accurate mapping. The fire has not grown since yesterday. There are interior pockets of unburnt vegetation that continue to burn and produce smoke. These pockets of vegetation present no threat to the fire line. Fire behavior yesterday was minimal, and the lines are holding.


Yesterday, firefighters continued mop-up to further secure the northwestern line. In other areas, crews monitored the line as rolling rocks presented a safety hazard. Water drops from helicopters supported suppression efforts along the steep, northeastern section of the fire where crews are unable to access on foot. Crews patrolled and monitored the remaining fire perimeter.

Today, mop-up will continue on the northwestern side of the fire. Water tenders and engines will be utilized on the northeastern side of the fire to project water on areas with heat. Crews will monitor the perimeter of the fire and around structures in the fire area. Aircraft will be used as needed.

Fire Behavior and Weather:

The onshore wind flow is weakening. Winds will be light and temperatures will increase. Fuels remain dry and interior pockets of unburnt fuel will continue to produce smoke, and flames may be visible. Drivers are asked to please use caution on Interstate 84 as firefighters and aircraft are still working in the area.


Level 3, 2, and 1 evacuations remain in effect Wasco County: https://www.facebook.com/WascoCountySheriff Level 2 and 1 evacuations remain in effect for Hood River County: https://www.facebook.com/hrcso

Road and Trail Closures:

For public and firefighter safety, there are closures in place for The Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail and for roads in Hood River County. Details of these closures are available on their websites: https://www.hoodrivercounty.gov/closures and https://stateparks.oregon.gov/

To stay informed on the most up-to-date road conditions on Interstate 84, visit https://tripcheck.com/

Total Fire Resources Assigned:

• Approx. 167 personnel, 6 hand crews, 9 engines, 2 water tenders, 2 dozers, 1 skidder and 2 helicopters.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected], Phone: 541-208-1744, 8 A.M – 8 P.M

central oregon fire information wildfire smoke

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