Lone Rock Fire Update | August 1, 2024

Acres: 137,221 acres | Start Date: July 13, 2024
Cause: Under Investigation | Fuels: Timber, Understory, Grass
Containment: 89% | Resources: 370

Hot, dry weather forecasted leading into the weekend.

Highlight:After a brief reprieve of lower temperatures and light rainfall, hot and dry weather has returned to the area and will remain through the weekend. Increased smoke is expected as interior fuels retaining heat continue to dry out over the next few days. The public is encouraged to not call 9-1-1 for smoke within the interior of the Lone Rock Fire as these fuel
pockets within the burned area are not a threat to the fire’s containment.

Overview: Yesterday, firefighters were successful in finding and attacking areas holding heat near Flatiron Spring. The increase in temperature and smoke production allowed them to better locate smoldering fuels that had been dampened by the recent rains. There was no fire growth detected, and the total acreage remained the same. Containment also increased
to 89% after a reassessment of the fireline on the west side of the fire.

Today, firefighters will again focus on the band across the middle of the fire area that is still holding heat. Log and brush chipping work will also continue along FSR 21.

Weather: A high-pressure system is currently moving over the area bringing a return to above average temperatures (predicted to exceed 100 degrees at the lower elevations), humidity values in the teens, and continued light winds. The hot and dry conditions will allow remaining heat sources to either burn out and self-extinguish or begin active creeping and
potentially result in isolated torching within the mixed conifer.

Evacuations: There are no Level 3 evacuations in place for the Lone Rock Fire.

  • For Gilliam County evacuation information, visit Gilliam County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.
  • For Wheeler County evacuation information, visit Wheeler County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.
  • For Morrow County evacuation information, visit Morrow County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.


  • For updated road closure information, visit https://www.tripcheck.com/.
  • Umatilla National Forest Order Number 06-14-02-24-02 includes prohibitions within the Heppner Ranger District on
    the Umatilla National Forest.
  • Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Prineville District Office issued an Emergency Public Land Closure on BLM managed lands along the mainstem John Day River and along the North Fork John Day River from Kimberly, Ore. to Dale, Ore.

Fire Information: 541-208-4369 from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. – [email protected]
InciWeb: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/inciden…/orprd-lone-rock-fire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoneRockFireInformation

central oregon fire information wildfire smoke

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