Shoe Fly Fire Update | 9/9 PM

This will be the final evening update on the Shoe Fly Fire

Mop up continues across the Shoe Fly Fire

MITCHELL, Ore. – Firefighters on the Shoe Fly Fire are continuing to push forward on progress across the incident, mopping up around the entire perimeter of the fire and focusing in on one final challenging location. The 24/7 efforts put in by resources, including firefighters, landowners and agencies over the past couple of shifts have paid off and lines have been able to withstand today’s warm and windy conditions.

This afternoon, clearer air allowed for aircraft to fly on the fire, and helicopters assisted resources on the ground with mop-up operations, dropping water on smoldering hot spots. This joint effort helps to speed up the mop-up process and will ultimately add to overall containment on the incident.

The northeast corner remains the last area that is challenging firefighters. Spot fires in timber from a few days ago created pockets of unburned fuel between them. While all of the spot fires are lined, these unburned areas have the potential to carry fire in hot, windy conditions. A number of tactics are under consideration, including strategic firing operations to fill in those gaps or creating additional lines. Resources will determine which path will be most effective out in the field, with temperature, fuels, humidity and topography all taken into consideration tonight.

Evacuation notices for residents around the fire remain unchanged and continue to be evaluated by the Wheeler County Sheriff, Wheeler County Fire Defense Board Chief, and Team 1 Operations personnel. More information on current evacuations is available at https://tinyurl.com/RAPTOR-Evacuation-Info

Structural task forces from Oregon State Fire Marshall are available to return should additional structure protection be needed.

Information for other fires in the area:

Rail Ridge Fire: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565474339343

Fossil Complex: https://www.facebook.com/fossilcomplexfire

Wiley Flat Fire: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565121969460

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