Bachelor Complex Update | 9/19

There will be a community meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Friday at the Three Rivers School cafeteria in Sunriver. 

The Bachelor Complex fires have seen little to no growth over the past several days. Favorable conditions allowed for successful burnout operations on the southern edge of the Little Lava Fire, further strengthening containment lines. Fireline construction has been completed for Backside and 911 Fires. These fires will be patrolled by air for the next several days. Lucky Butte Fire is showing minimal heat and continues to burn itself out. The 846 Fire remains less than one acre, showing minimal heat and is in patrol status. The northwest corner of the Flat Top Fire and southeast side of the Firestone Fire have been prepared for strategic burning operations. Crews are waiting for favorable conditions to implement these firing operations that will better secure containment lines.

Bachelor Complex:  Today on the Little Lava Fire, firing operations will continue, adding depth to the indirect line along the southern perimeter. Mop up and suppression repair work will be ongoing on the west and southwest side of the fire. Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) will be available for aerial ignition if needed to implement burning operations within the fire perimeter. Crews will continue to mop up any sources of heat and secure the northern perimeter as they complete connecting dozer lines to the Edison Trail. Adjacent to Forest Service Road (FSR) 45, mop-up and patrol is ongoing. 

Flat Top Fire: The northwest corner of the Flat Top Fire continues to be prepared for burnout operations. Those operations will be executed today if the conditions, such as weather and vegetation moisture levels, are favorable. Mop-up along dozer lines north of FSR 22 and along FSR 24 to the south will continue. Wood chipping and suppression repair work, such as pulling back the berms from dozer lines, is progressing. Patrol efforts along the fire’s edge are ongoing. 

Firestone Fire: A small pocket of heat was found near the southern boundary Wednesday and was quickly extinguished. On the southeast side of the fire, a small area is planned for firing operations to further secure the containment line. Mop-up, patrol and suppression repair work continue.

Weather and Fire Behavior: A warming and drying trend will continue into the weekend. Smaller fuels, like grasses and shrubs will be more receptive to carrying fire. More visible smoke is expected today.

Closures: There are two emergency Fire Closure areas on the Deschutes National Forest. To view the updated closure orders and maps, visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/deschutes/alerts-notices.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deschutesnationalforest/

InciWeb: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/ordef-bachelor-complex-fires


YouTube:        https://www.youtube.com/@CentralOregonFireInfo?app=desktop

Fire Information Line: (541) 249-9829, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Smoke & Air Quality Informationfire.airnow.gov

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